We are proud to be working with the World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR). We did our first collaboration with WNBR in London on Saturday 8 June 2024 in London, and we hope that allies of both projects will join us at future rides around the world to create great content through meaningful messages.

We are two projects that have for many years recognised nudity as an impactful, relevant way to explore fundamental issues that people face in life. Now, for the first time ever, we are working together!

We do what we do best at Barefoot – filming interviews and creating images at WNBR rides. Help us to give everyone their best shot at contributing to change!

Just fill in the form below for the chance to talk to us on camera – as a cyclist, as a supporter, and whatever your age, gender, sexuality or beliefs. We value every perspective at Barefoot.

Whether you get naked or not, this could be the start of your Barefoot journey!