Walk Barefoot

Walk Barefoot

Be the change the world needs to see!

Barefoot Man empowers everyone who identifies as male to develop his own, healthier version of masculinity. 

Join us for a life changing experience!

As a global campaign for human rights, social justice and better male mental health, we equip men to embark on a transformative personal journey.

Every Barefoot Man gets the tools and the training to become an active leader in creating a more inclusive world for everyone. 

Our project has always featured artistic, non-sexualised male nudity. With the exception of our calendar and our posts on social media, we do not censor any part of the body.

Our project enables men to embrace vulnerability and authenticity through full nudity, as a challenging yet liberating experience.

Some of the most serious issues we face today are products of how we look at men, who we expect them to be, and how men see themselves in relation to the world around them. 

Become the change the world wants to see.

Madrid Goldbats, 2022

Manchester Village Spartans Rugby Club, 2021

Manchester Village Spartans Rugby Club, 2021

What Happens Next?

Barefoot Man participants will set their own objectives as part of a process that considers the purpose of the project, the reasons for taking part and the potential results. 

The nudity in our programme enables men to share new experiences, embrace new perspectives and make a real commitment to their goals.  

As well as taking you on a journey of personal growth, joining Barefoot Man enables you to:  

​Are you ready to Walk Barefoot? Scroll down to sign up!

Lucas, Hofsaess Tennis Club, 2020

Freeride Bikers, Mexico, 2021

Freeride Bikers, Mexico, 2021

Register interest in Walking Barefoot with us!

That process begins with filling in the form below. We welcome men regardless of age, ethnicity, sexuality, birth gender or physical disability. Help us to show the world you want to live in! We are particularly keen to include more BIPOC athletes, who have historically been under-represented in our shoots.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Frequently Asked Questions

    Who are you looking for?

    You must be over 18, identify as male and be active in some form of organised sport.  Otherwise, we aim to be as inclusive as possible and to embrace men and trans men of all ages, ethnicities, sexualities, and physical abilities. We are particularly keen to increase the visibility in our project of people who are BIPOC, LGBTQ+ or play parasports.

    Do I have to get naked?

    Yes, within limits! There is no frontal nudity in our calendar and social media content. Full written details on the nudity in our project are included in our briefing and in the agreement you sign before participation.

    Our benchmark is that nudity in our project is non-sexual.

    Prepping for the day?

    We aim to promote natural body hair in the project.  In particular, pubic hair should be as natural as possible.

    The rest is up to you:  some people like to train to make sure they are camera-ready, but this is not obligatory.

    We will give any further guidance nearer the time of the shoot.

    How long will this take?

    Usually, start early in the morning (we know you are used to this!).  The core shoots tend to last until late morning/early afternoon.

    There will be an option to take part in further filming, interviews and photoshoots throughout the rest of the day.

    Can I see the release form?