Barefoot Man brings together several long-standing components of modern culture, including spectator sport, filmed entertainment, live performance and visual art.   

We use these aspects of everyday life to create tools and experiences that support men to explore healthier versions of masculinity. We focus on personal growth, and health and wellbeing, as part of a trend towards the pursuit of meaningful experience over material wealth. 

A core ambition in our work is reinventing the all male space to be more inclusive, more flexible and more conscious of the historic privilege of men.

Our process was not invented in a corporate boardroom or refined through focus groups.  Through an evolving project that has brought together men of different lived experiences, we have developed a range of techniques to explore what we call performative masculinity and performative heterosexuality – two of the defining characteristics of patriarchy.   

The all-male space has become a symbol of “toxic masculinity”.  We explore the potential value of a new, inclusive all male space that embraces everyone who identifies as male, regardless of heritage, socio-economic status, sexuality or sex at birth.   

Our ultimate goal is to bring men from different lived experiences together to capitalise on the established benefits of diverse perspectives. In doing so, we hope to develop healthier versions of masculinity that serve men (and everyone) better in the 21st century and beyond.  

We want to equip men to make a meaningful contribution at a table that once belonged to patriarchal power and must now belong to everyone.  Men have struggled to adjust to that shift, but we all need to sit around that table. There has never been a greater need to talk.   

Barefoot Man is a unique opportunity for men to play an active, visible role in making the world a better place.  Men will no longer have all the power, but we believe that their complex history can deliver valuable perspectives within a more diverse and equitable conversation.