WR20 ROAR Portfolio November


Wow!! The November WR20 Roar Portfolio offers a bumper edition with nearly 500 hi-resolution images to enjoy combined with nearly 45min of video footage. 

Our spotlight is cast on new contributor Laurel, who has been a long-time supporter of the WR project. Laurel teaches Amir, Patrick and Lucas some of his volleyball skills, with plenty of good-humoured competition adding to the fun.  

Following on from the October Portfolio film of our petanque match, this issue offers the chance to enjoy a great selection of images from the shoot. 

Things get dirty, at least with a Martini, in this month´s Locktail as Lucas introduces Amir to the salty joys of a very stiff drink. 

There are also some bonuses included in this edition with a selection of images from our November film subscription, our hilarious unboxing video for the WR21 Calendar, and a brand-new video to mark the launch of our WR21 range! 

And with almost 500 still images, we have something for everyone!  From an indoor rowing tank in London to a villa in the mountains of southern Spain, with a host of characters including Sam, Alex, James, Samuel, Amir, Jimmy, Joe, Martyn, Brian, Bily, Lucas, Alex, Sebastian, Joao and Amir. 


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