WR23 Portfolio Image Subscription


There are only so many images we can put in a calendar - and only so much we can show!

If you like our monthly calendar image on the wall, you will love our Portfolio Image subscription! This digital bonanza brings you hundreds, uncensored images - delivered straight to your account every month for you to download and keep!

• Twelve monthly packs of images delivered to your WR account for you to download and keep
• Each pack contains high res jpeg images of naked athletes from around the world (we have served an average of over 300 images every month throughout WR21 and WR22)
• Includes access to the monthly image updates from the calendar
• Available in the first half of every month
• First pack available January 2023
• Handy digital magazine guides you to the content you want!

Got something you’d love to see? Got a location you think would make a great setting? Let us know at [email protected]? Your feedback means the Worldwide Roar to us!


Local import taxes and custom clearance for orders outside UK might apply.

  • Details

    Advisory: The men in this project get naked to raise awareness around healthier masculinity and to combat issues that stem from toxic masculinity such as homophobia, sexism and racism. The Worldwide Roar 2023 Roar Image Subscription contains frontal nudity of sporting athletes from around the world.

  • Copyright and Terms

    Your purchase is subject to our full terms and conditions which you can read here.

  • Shipping Information

    The ROAR Portfolio Image Subscription will be served in 12 issues. The first issue will be available for download from your WR account in the first weeks of January 2023.