WR23 Supporter Offer


The WR23 Supporter Offer combines our renowned physical calendar with our full digital offering for the WR23 crowdfunder.

Advisory: The Worldwide Roar 2023 Supporter Offer contains frontal nudity of sporting athletes from around the world. The men in this project get naked to raise awareness around healthier masculinity and to combat issues that stem from toxic masculinity such as homophobia, sexism and racism.

The WR23 Supporter Offer contains:

WR23 Calendar
WR23 Calendar Wallpapers
WR23 ROAR Portfolio Plus Subscription (Image plus Video)

WR Playing Cards

Please see separate products for further details.

This is a top value bundle for our supporters! If you want an extra touch of exclusivity (and some more nudity!) please check out our our WR23 Signed Supporter Offer.


Local import taxes and custom clearance for orders outside UK might apply.

  • Details

  • Copyright and Terms

    Your purchase is subject to our full terms and conditions which you can read here.

  • Shipping Information

    This product comprises of four elements: WR23 Calendar, Calendar Wallpapers, Playing Cards and the WR23 Portfolio Plus Subscription.

    The WR23 Calendar and Playing Cards will ship in November 2022 and the Wallpapers will be available in your WR account then also.

    Portfolio Plus will be delivered in 12 digital issues. The first will appear in the downloads section of your WR account in January 2023.