WR Singles – Graze the Roar for less!  


WR Singles – Graze the Roar for less!  


We’ve always done everything we can to bring you as much high quality content as possible.  So as our project has grown over the years, it’s no surprise that our digital offering has grown massively too! 

We started with a few bonus images alongside our calendar, then added one film every year and later two.  Now, we serve so much content every month that we’ve had to create a digital guide to help our subscribers keep track of it all! 

We know that not everyone wants to commit to annual subscriptions. High quality films and high resolution images can put a strain on some supporters’ internet connections and fill up space on their drives.  Many of our supporters have favourite stars and favourite settings, so may not want to buy all the content from a particular year.    

That’s why we have created WR Singles – a grazing menu that lets you choose the very best from our digital subscription content, at prices everyone can afford and in byte-sized chunks that everyone can download and keep.  

We will be adding more content to the WR Singles page regularly, so watch this space for more easy to download content at prices you’ll love! 
